Thursday, October 27, 2011

Social Studies test

The test for this unit will be Day 7, November 15.  It will be on chapters 12, 13, and 14.  It is important that students start reviewing in order to lessen the stress associated with a larger volume of work. 

Monday, October 3, 2011


Grade Nine Social Studies Quiz Thursday Oct, 13.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

9-2 Social Studies

Finish any questions on the Government responsibilities for Monday.  Review your work to this point everybody.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Provincial Election Scrapbook Assignment

Provincial Election Scrapbook

This assignment is designed to get you to follow the provincial election. The following list includes items that must be included in your scrapbook. Students are encouraged to go beyond the required list and to be as creative as possible in their presentation of the items in order to achieve the highest scores on this project.

1. The three major political parties of Newfoundland and Labrador. This should include the party logos and their respective slogans.

2. The leaders of the main political parties of Newfoundland and Labrador. This should include a picture and a short biography of each leader.

3. The names of the electoral districts of NL. A map is a useful way to show this information.

4. The candidates in our riding. Their name, picture, and party affiliation. You can collect information from their campaign offices such as brochures etc. to help you.

5. A picture of the House of Assembly. This should include information on how the House operates.

6. IF I COULD VOTE: This page in your scrapbook should include your decision to vote for a particular candidate in our riding and an analysis of why you made your choice. This should point out what you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.

7. INFO IN THE MEDIA: Your scrapbook should include information from newspapers, television and the internet regarding any announcements or happenings that are newsworthy during the election. They can be from any area of the province and can be about any personality. At least five please.

8. WHO I THINK SHOULD BE PREMIER: This page should outline who you think would be the best Premier and why. Remember, the Premier is the leader of the party with the most seats elected.

9. HOW ELECTIONS WORK: This section of your scrapbook should explain how an election works. What are the rules and guidelines for voting? How does a person get elected in Newfoundland and Labrador? What is involved in the process?

10. WHY WE SHOULD VOTE: This page should be designed to encourage young people, ages 18-25, to vote in elections. Make it attractive and persuasive.

The following websites may be of help:

Government Web Site:

Liberal Party Web Site:

PC Party Web site:

NDP Party Web Site:

Chief Electoral Officer:

The Telegram

Provincial Election Scrapbook

An assignment sheet was sent home describing the election scrapbook.  Please ensure that your student works through this assignment as the election proceeds.  It is due on Oct 17, 2011.  If this is left until the last minute it will prove to be very difficult to complete.  I have informed students that there will be lunch time sessions offered so that they can access the tech lab or newspapers in my classroom.  I will be staying for lunch for this purpose on Wednesday, Sept. 29.   

Monday, June 6, 2011

Final exam review

Please help your child review for the final by helping them organize a study schedule. They have been given a hanout that summarizes the important topics chapter by chapter. By the end of this week they will have reviews on each chapter for which they are responsible to learn. Please adhere to the topics on the review sheets. The sheets are truly a road map to success in the final.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Important things to remember

Social Studies test on THursday, June 2 for 9-2 and Friday, June 3 for 9-1. This is on all of chapters 5, 6 and 9 and pages 109-11 of chapter 8. It is a good warm up for the final.

Remember the religion assignment is due on June 3. Students have this sheet.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Finals Approaching!

Students should start to review soon. Election scrapbooks were well done! We are currently working on a unit on culture.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


9-1 Friday
9-2 Thursday